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Roses, lilies and asters in precious gemstone colors of garnet are nestled into a richly colored plum glass cube vase, creating a graceful presentation. Purple chrysanthemums and seafoam statice add a special touch. A beautiful bouquet for any occasion!
Roses, lilies and asters in precious gemstone colors of garnet are nestled into a richly colored plum glass cube vase, creating a graceful presentation. Purple chrysanthemums and seafoam statice add a special touch. A beautiful bouquet for any occasion!
Roses, lilies and asters in precious gemstone colors of garnet are nestled into a richly colored plum glass cube vase, creating a graceful presentation. Purple chrysanthemums and seafoam statice add a special touch. A beautiful bouquet for any occasion!
Red roses, Asiatic lilies, Matsumoto asters and hypericum; purple daisy spray chrysanthemums and seafoam statice are delivered in a plum glass Teleflora cube vase.
Red roses, Asiatic lilies, Matsumoto asters and hypericum; purple daisy spray chrysanthemums and seafoam statice are delivered in a plum glass Teleflora cube vase.
Red roses, Asiatic lilies, Matsumoto asters and hypericum; purple daisy spray chrysanthemums and seafoam statice are delivered in a plum glass Teleflora cube vase.
Orientation: All-Around
This is a Flowers-in-a -Gift selection, limited-edition gift which can be used for years to come. Available exclusively from Teleflora.