- Red spray roses, white asiatic lilies and red carnations are accented by tips of white pine, noble fir and holly.
- Delivered in Teleflora's red mirrored cube.
- Red spray roses, white asiatic lilies and red carnations are accented by tips of white pine, noble fir and holly.
- Delivered in Teleflora's red mirrored cube.
- Red spray roses, white asiatic lilies and red carnations are accented by tips of white pine, noble fir and holly.
- Delivered in Teleflora's red mirrored cube.
- Orientation: All-Around
Created for Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection, this versatile cube features a distinctive red "mirror" finish. Filled with flowers or used as a candle holder, it will be a treasured keepsake for years to come.
Standard - $77.99
Deluxe - $90.99
Premium - $103.99